Day 70: Choice number two

As a quick update to yesterday's entey, I ended up deciding to take the train around to Atami rather than risk taking the intended route up into and back down our of the park. I woke up with my alarm at 6am to make the decision on if I was going to hike or take the bypass. While my leg was feeling passable, my digestive system was not. So I slept for a few more hours before checking out and heading to the train, getting off a stop early. I wasn't content with taking a zero on the day, so I intentionally took a long and circuitous route before ultimately getting to my hotel, landing me with 15km on the of odometer for the day. This helped me avoid any sense of guilt. Along the way I visited a shrine, which was buzzing with activity, and got another stamp in my book. I also pressed my luck a little and explored up into the hills beyond the temple for a while. I have gotten to the point now where I am very comfortable carrying my pack when fully loaded. But hitt...