Day 16: The empty guest house.

I am going to be staying in a lot of guest houses, so I am going to get the hang of how they work eventually, but I was surprised when I arrived at my second guest house called 'Sai'. After a good walk of about 11km I arrived at Sai in the late afternoon. Tired and in need of a break, it was a well timed arrival. I approached trode up to the front door, modern glass and metal, and it slid aside for me. The lobby small, clean and stylish... and completely empty. This feels like some sort of point and click adventure game. On the desk a sign in Japanese and English says that there are no staff present, and to call the number below. My SIM card for Japan is a tourist SIM, meaning it does not have a phone number attached to it, nor can it make calls. So, I set my pack to the side and sit on the front desk and relax. I figure someone is bound to come by eventually. About 20 minutes later an automated email arrives in my inbox with instructions. I ...