Day 66: Ambushed in Fujinomiya

My time off between hiking is almost always unstructured and unplanned. I enjoy exploring without a specific agenda or schedule, and seeing where the day takes me. Yesterday was a perfect example if why I enjoy this approach. I set out with only a loose goal of finding a shrine or temple to get another Goshuin for my collection. While I cannot read my Goshuin, I like that they are an embodiment of my trail through Japan, and for those who can read it, a unique proof of my journey. That said, I find locating a shrine or temple that has an attendant or monk to give one, and is open while I am passing by, can be challenging in the smaller cities and more rural towns. Looking at Google maps would tell you that there are hundreds of shrines in any given city. However, many shrines are small and unmanned, a small plot of land with a spot to pray. Sometimes, just a tiny little building for an alter set into a nook. After spending many previous days wandering blindly to nea...