Day 11: Osaka's unreal aquarium

Normally I write these blog entries last thing, just before I go to bed, as a good bookend for the day. Today though I am writing while sitting in the cafe of the aquarium as I want to capture my experience while it is as fresh as possible. I hadn't done much research when I arrived at the aquarium. It had been recommended by a couple of people so I went with that. At worst it would be a way to spend the day inside, dodging the hot and rainy weather. A deceiving facade As soon as I arrived I was a little stung by the ticket price, ¥2300 (~$23) to get in. Up until now much of what I have done has had little or no admission costs, so this was a jump up. Things started off underwhelming, with a long walk to an extremely tall escalator. It's not clear why such a climb is needed, but I was thankful that it wasn't stairs, as it took quite some time to reach the top. From there you follow a pathway from aquarium to aquarium, all on the left s...