Day 40: Out of the quiet and into the storm

Today I leave Kyoto. I have probably stayed longer than should, and certainly longer than necessary, but I have enjoyed my time here and have grown from it. My last few days have been peaceful, quiet and relaxing. The city is filled with things to see and do, but I haven't felt their draw for a while, so instead I have spent my time enjoying the quiet space here. As when I left Osaka, saying goodbye to Takanori and his Banana Hammock guest house, I will be sad to put behind me Noeli & Maca and the Hanakanzashi. Leaving the warmth and friendship shown to me by Takanori was much harder than I had expected it to be, and I know this will be very true here as well. These two women have been kind and friendly to me, and I have enjoyed being able to spend time in their company immensely. It is certainly a big part of why I chose to stay as long as I did. But this journey isn't about sitting still, and I have done enough of that for now. It is time once again...