Day 35: Nagoya and the valley of dark shadows

Today I have reached the outskirts of Nagoya, but not before a slightly harrowing end to the days walk. I looked forward to the walk today as it was predominatelt set in rural area, moving through the green belt that divides Kyoto from Nagoya, and I was not disappointed. I was treated to a walk down an old country road, through calm and cool forests chirping and bustling with the sounds of so many insects and birds. I enjoyed the small vistas of rice fields and quiet farming villages. Each person that I would pass on foot would greet me with a smile and a 'Konnichiwa'. The route today was a comfortable 15km, and I had no concerns about my ability to cover the ground. But due to a mixup and a missed train out to the section, I found myself starting far later in the day than planned. I have come to realize that while it has been cost effective to section the route up and use the train to jump back to my hostel each evening, it is no longer time effective....