Day 9: Osaka castle and the frustrating couple

Another hot day, another case of heat+walking related maladies. Thankfully I went to see a fantastic landmark which made it worth the pains; Osaka Castle. Fun fact - this tower is actually the keep, the castle itself sits beside it. Not unsurprisingly, Osaka castle is a big tourist draw, and I was thankful to have made my visit during a weekday in the off season for tourists, as the place still had a gaggle being lead by a guide with a flag in every direction I turned. While big crowds can sometimes spoil an outing, I wasn't put off and enjoyed exploring the grounds, which are sprawling for any city, but in Osaka they represent an impressive act of heritage preservation in the face of the dense city encroaching on all sides. I wasn't sure how I would feel about going to see the castle, and was slightly worried that I would feel it was a waste of time. Having lived in Europe for many years, with a commute that ran directly past a castle while living in Paris, would...