Day 14: The autumn harvest festival

Despite the weather returning to form and it feeling like the middle of summer again today, I attend an autumn harvest festival. Takanori was kind enough to offer to take me to this festival, as it took place near his home. Without his suggestion I would never have known of this festival, let alone found my way to it. For today's trip Takanori, Pak (a Korean guest at the Banana Hammock) and myself all woke up early to make the journey south. It was a short walk to the train, then a ride on a local train that took us the rest of the way. Left to right: Pak, Takanori and myself standing at the bottom of the stairs leading to the Mozuhachimangu shrine. As we arrived, things were already well under way, and thousands of people were all throughout the grounds of the shine. The shrine grounds had additions for the festival in the way of large "parking spots" built from scaffolding like tubing and festooned with decorations that related to each town involved, m...