Day 27: Zen

This morning I woke up early, much earlier than I normally do, even when home. The reason: I was to attend a Zen meditation class at a temple on the far side of Kyoto. If I were only set to sightsee, I wouldn't have hauled my tired body out of bed so early, but this class only happens early in the mornings. I haven't been able to sleep as much as I would like, I have been having serious issues stopping my mind from racing, even more than usual. So with only a few hours of sleep on my belt, it was going to be a challenging day for a couple of reasons. First among those reasons; the bus. Since my arrival in Japan I have actively avoided the bus on the premise that there is just more to go wrong on a bus than on the trains/metro lines (at least in my view of things). However, after researching how to reach this temple I became clear that the only route worth considering was a bus that would take me must of the way there. Knowing myself to be a horrifingly I'll equi...