Day 12: A matter of degrees

This morning I strode outside and immediately thought to myself "Oh! It's so cool out!". The morning air felt brisk and different than any of my previous days here. The first hint of autumn is now in the air. With this morning surprise I quickly checked the weather report, it was 28 degrees Celsius. This only a few degrees colder than the scorching days I've had even up until yesterday. These these facts didn't line up in my 'built for winter' brain. Confused, I checked my other weather app only to confirm the report. Had I become acclimated to heat? Perhaps. What far more certain was that the humidity had dropped dramatically overnight. Where in all the previous days the heat was accompanied by 80-95% humidity, making a 34C day feel like a 42C day, today it was 45% humidity and the difference that made was undeniable. I came back from my morning stroll and was greeted by Takanori. He too had noticed the change and commented on how...