Day 26: The road to Nagoya in stops and starts

On the road to Kyoto I learned that walking with the day bag packed with only what I need for the day certainly preferably. Walking with my full pack, now weighed down with nearly useless camping gear, only makes the whole process a lot harder and slower. With this knowledge I've been planning at the road forward. The next major stop is Nagoya, which is about 135km from Kyoto. The biggest challenge in all of this is actually having confidence that I will have a place to sleep each night. Now that I am following a mostly urban route, there is practically no options for legal camping. Frustratingly though, there are very limited options for hostels or hotels either. Despite being urban, much of the path is through small towns, and the options become extremely sparse. So I have decided to try a large version of the strategy that I used to get from Osaka, using Kyoto as my HQ for the entire walk to Nagoya. I have extended my stay at...